George Grosz (1893 - 1959)
Painter, watercolorist, draftsman and teacher George Grosz (originally Georg Ehrenfried Gross) was born in Berlin. He developed his natural aptitude for drawing by copying genre paintings and creating imagined battle scenes. His formal studies began with a weekly drawing class followed by two years at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts (1909 - 1911). He then attended the Berlin College of Arts and Crafts, where he studied under Emil Orlik. He was associated with Max Beckmann and Otto Dix in the New Objectivity movement and was a member of the Berlin Dada circle.
Grosz served two stints in the army beginning in late 1914 and ending with his permanent discharge in May of 1917. His wartime experiences and observations radicalized Grosz, who ultimately joined the Spartacist League - which months later became the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) - and participated in the Spartacist uprising in January, 1919. His early cycle of highly satirical drawings, Gott mit uns, drew the wrath of the army and government: Grosz was fined 300 marks and the collection was destroyed. A six month trip to the Soviet Union in 1922 left Grosz disillusioned with Lenin and his followers. He resigned his membership in the KPD, but remained a committed pacifist and scathing critic of the hypocrisies of bourgeois German society.
Apart from iconic individual works including Germany: A Winter's Tale and Republican Automaton, Grosz is perhaps best known for the publication of the bitterly satirical Ecce Homo, which in its entirety comprised a suite of one hundred reproductions of sixteen original watercolors and eighty-four pen and ink drawings. Ecce Homo was published in a total edition of about 10,000 copies - which included five variations - by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin, in late 1922, though it bears a 1923 publication date.
The uproar over its publication led to a lawsuit against Grosz and the principals of Der Malik Verlag. Grosz was and his co-defendants were convicted of “disseminating indecent publications,” and the artist was fined 6,000 marks. In addition, the court ordered the confiscation of thirty-four of the individual plates, though ultimately that number was reduced to twenty-three. In consequence, the number of copies of the full edition sold prior to the legal wrangle (variants A and C) was less than originally proposed, though it is neither known how many unexpurgated copies were actually sold nor how many of them survived the depredations of the censors and the National Socialist government that took power ten years later.
The notoriety enjoyed by Grosz as a result of the trial solidified his reputation as a leading artist. He continued to assail the power elite and the political right throughout the Weimar era with his drawings and paintings, becoming more disillusioned as the social and political climate grew more unstable and ominous.
In 1932, Grosz was invited to teach during the Summer term of the Art Students' League in New York. In spite of the socio-economic disruptions caused by the Depression, he found a welcome optimism there that contrasted strongly with the anger and resentment rampant in German society. Offered an extension of his contract at ASL, Grosz returned to Germany long enough to gather his family and possessions, and fortuitously departed for the United States just two weeks prior to Hitler's appointment as Chancellor. Under the National Socialist regime, Grosz and his work were aggressively denounced. He was one of the leading objects of scorn at the notorious Degenerate Art exhibit staged by Goebbels in 1937. Many of his paintings, drawings, and books – including untold numbers of copies of Ecce Homo – were destroyed.
Grosz remained in the United States and became a naturalized citizen. In addition to teaching, his satirical work still retained its pacifist tenor but ultimately gave way to landscape paintings. He was elected an Associate Academician in the National Academy of Design in 1950. In 1959, Grosz and his wife returned to Germany. He died in Berlin later that year as the result of a fall.

Passanten (Passers-by)
Seven color offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original watercolor created in 1921. Image size 7¾" x 10½"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate I of XVI color plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The original is in an unnamed private collection.

Seven color offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original watercolor created in 1918. Image size 6-1/8" x 10½"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate II of XVI color plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The original is in the Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany.

Der Mensch ist gut (People are good)
Seven color offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original watercolor created in 1919. Image size 8" x 10½"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate XII of XVI color plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. Whereabouts of the original is unknown.

Niederkunft (Confinement)
Seven color offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original watercolor created in 1917. Image size 8" x 10-7/8"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate VI of XVI color plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The original is in the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Graphische Sammlung.

Schönheit, dich will ich preisen (Beauty, I praise thee)
Seven color offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original watercolor created in 1919. Image size 7½" x 11-1/8"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate III of XVI color plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The original is in Galerie Nierendorf, Berlin.

Ecce Homo (Behold the Man)
Seven color offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original watercolor created in 1921. Image size 8" x 10½"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate IV of XVI color plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The whereabouts of the original watercolor is unknown.

Seven color offset lithograph, 1921; reproduction of original watercolor created in 1921. Image size 7¾" x 10½"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate XIII of XVI color plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. Formerly in the collection of Murray B. Cohen of New York, the original watercolor was auctioned in 1977, buyer unknown.

Entkleidung (Disrobing)
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1921. Image size 7½" x 11"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 9 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Mord (Murder)
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1916. Image size 5¾" x 9"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 12 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1915. Image size 7¾" x 7"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 50 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1922. Image size 8½" x 8"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 28 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin.

Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1919. Image size 7-5/8" x 9½"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 54 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. Social Democrat Georg Ledebour (1850 - 1947) served in the Reichstag from 1900 to 1918 and in a principled stand in the face of overwhelming pro-war sentiment voted against funding legislation in 1914. He emigrated to Switzerland in 1933. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Ehrenmann (Man of Honor)
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1921. Image size 7-5/8" x 9"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 59 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Eheszene (Domestic Scene)
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1916. Image size 7-7/8" x 8"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 63 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Köpfe (Heads)
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1921. Image size 7½" x 8¼"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 80 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Das Ende
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1917. Image size 7½" x 11"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 83 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Der absolute Monarchist
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1918. Image size 6¼" x 11"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 35 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The original pen and ink drawing is in the holdings of the artist's estate.

Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1921. Image size 7-1/8" x 11"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 38 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The print is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are bumped but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The location of the original drawing is not known. However, a larger copy, with an image measuring approximately 8" x 12½", signed by Grosz and annotated Probedruck II (trial proof II) bears the artist's estate stamp on the verso and pre-dates the version listed here.

Querschnitt (cross section)
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1920. Image size 6¼" x 11"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 68 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are bumped but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. This drawing depicts the turmoil that wracked postwar Berlin. The 1920 creation date is uncertain: Grosz himself dated an earlier version of the plate 1919. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Dr. Benn's Nachtcafé
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original pen-and-ink drawing, 1918. Image size 10¼" 8"; sheet size 13-7/8" x 10¼". Plate 79 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are bumped but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The location of the original drawing is not known.

Das Vaterunser (The Lord's Prayer)
Offset lithograph, 1922; reproduction of original ink and wash drawing, 1922. Image size 7-7/8" x 10-3/8"; sheet size 10¼" x 13-7/8". Plate 84 of 84 black and white plates in Ecce Homo, original edition, variant C, published by Der Malik Verlag, Berlin. The image is in fine condition; outer corners of sheet are wrinkled but well away from the image; binding marks in left margin. The original drawing is in the collection of Murray B. Cohen, New York.